Bye Bike!

Sen på kvällen: Hej då nere i garaget :) Men jag e glad ändå... få lite kosing :)
(observera min ut-och-invända skinnjacka haha, det var så svettigt på dagen så jag ville vända och vädra lite haha!)
Tänk att man kan vara så snygg i en ut o in vänd skinnjacka!!! Bra med kosing in!!! Kram
Ey yo yo baby guuurl!! "Bye Bike". You getting rid of it? I like girls hot n nasty riding hard pieces of danger between their legs... But I usally tell my signoritas that Ray-Ray takes care of that! They can ride on my piece of danger... Yep, ive got a motorcykle too and I love it when babes are riding behind me. Arms wrapped around me... Their chest close against my back. They better hold on tight cause I like to ride fast!
Im all about speed! Except when im making sweet baby making love... There aint no rush when it comes to dat. Aint no rush at all...
Sometimes I take it so slow the sun has been up and back down again before Ive even, no wait. Im getting in to way too much detail here honey buns! Im a gentleman! And gentlemen dont kiss and tell! But we sure do kiss... and we sure do fu no! I have to stop myself! Im so sorry baby doll! I dont know whats gotten in to me.
Im usually such a fine spoken gentleman with nothing but the deepest respect for fine pussy like yourself! I think... maybe... Im trying to impress you. Oh, im acting so silly right now!
Gotta go anyways! Love you! No, too much! Sorry! I... LIKE you! Damn it Ray-Ray, pull it together!!! Ok... gotta go!
xoxo / R to da ay to da Ray